Thursday, March 25, 2010

House Passes Senate's Health Care 'Fixes' Bill

The House of Representatives passed the health care "fixes" bill Thursday to send the measure to President Obama's desk. This vote is approving changes to the broader health care reform bill that the president signed into earlier this week. This fixes bill was approved by a 56-43 vote in the Senate earlier Thursday. On Sunday, the House passed both the overall health care bill and the fixes bill under the reconciliation rules. Democrats had to go under the reconciliation rules in order to overcome unanimous Republican opposition. The Democrats' passed the fixes bill in order to get their original health care reform passed without having to do any changes to it. This two-bill strategy helped the House pass the Senate bill without changes, and also get fixes through that they want. Since these bills were passed under the reconciliation rules, the Senate only needed 51 votes to pass the bills.

I feel that the Democrats are using pretty sneaky methods in order to get this bill passed. They have the Republicans constantly looking for ways to prolong, or even perhaps stop the bill in its tracks. They have been able to prolong it with the finding of minor changes that needed to be made in the wording. They also filibustered the bill once. Most polls in America tell us that the majority of Americans in this country do not want this bill to go through. Also, not one Republican and a handful of Democrats don't want this bill to go through. Yet, it is being passed anyway. I think the Democrats and president Obama are jamming this bill down the public's throats, even if we don't want it. As soon as they lost Ted Kennedy and the majority vote, they went to the reconciliation rules. This allowed them to pass the bills with less votes. I'm not saying that health care for everyone is a bad thing, but I don't appreciate the methods that the Democrats are using to give us health care. I also don't like that the Democrats through some random issues in with this bill in order to get votes. Some issues I'm talking about include money for a new hospital and student loans. Neither of those sound like health care to me.

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