Saturday, February 27, 2010

‘Unjustifiable’ Airstrike Kills 27 Afghan Civilians

Over this past weekend NATO authorized an "unjustifiable" airstrike that lead to the deaths of 27 civilians. NATO received, what was supposed to be reliable Intel, from an Afghan saying that there would be many Taliban leaders traveling to a destination in 3 buses. So NATO and the American commander thought this would be a perfect opportunity to take out some strong leaders. So they saw on their satellites that there are 3 buses traveling, and this matched there Intel. So planes fired at the buses and took them out, when they sent people into inspect the damage, they found innocent civilians and among them four women and children. NATO apologized Monday saying the attacks were "Unjustifiable". This is the third time this has happened in Afghanistan since starting there major offensive there.

This is a horrible event that could have easily been avoided. The army should never take intel from an Afghanistan source unless they know for a fact that it is reliable. Really, the only intel I would take from over there is intel that comes either straight from American's or Afghanistan officials. With so many terrorists over there, it is to easy for a group of them to fake intel. Plus, NATO should have looked into the intel more. They easily could have checked the buses before dropping an airstrike on them. With all of the satellites out there today, and with our technology, it wouldn't have been too hard to confirm if it was the Taliban leaders. Besides from being a sad event, it also hurts the civilian trust that we were gaining. We swore to protect civilians, and instead we killed 27 innocent ones. This also makes NATO look incompitent. With the war going the way it is, NATO leaders need to have a little more patience and look into decisions before they make them.

Read more about the airstrike at:

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